Image may not be enough, but it can be a powerful force to attract what you are looking for. For some, its love - for others, money. Take a shop owner for example. His business is going down the tubes or never really got started. He blames it on the "economy". But if you look around his shop, you see that its unattractive and downright dumpy. Hasn't been painted in years; the furniture is tacky or non-existent. Lighting is inadequate, and the whole atmosphere is cold and uninviting or tired and burned out. The shopkeeper says he doesn't know how long he'll survive. Customers are
fewer and fewer, and his prices are dropping lower and lower. Where can a business like this go but down?
Well, if he could see the shop as others see it, it would be like giving
sight to the blind. Because he is, truly, blind.
I'd like this column to focus on image in a positive way = because although focusing on image doesn't make us more human, or our businesses more sustainable, it can attract more of the things we want.