I've given up training for my customer service job. Too time consuming, too many technical problems. I was a slow learner anyway. Wish I had the writing skills for a real job. But, I'm still looking for some kind of phone work that I can do from home. Got my dog back in the meantime.
Have a date coming up with a guy I met on the plane coming home from Mexico. Not too exciting - I really left my heart in Mexico with the guy I met down there. He claims on Facebook to be in a relationship, but he had told me it "wasn't going anywhere". The good thing about the guy on the plane is that I told him so much about me - I mean the narcissism - and it didn't turn him off. He is pretty evolved for a guy. Meditates and has a certain worldly wisdom about him. We spent the whole plane ride getting to know each other, so its not going to be like a first date.
Things have improved between my daughter, my sister, and I. At least we're talking. My sis and I might go to Mexico together next winter. That would really be a first!
I'm thinking of selling the condo that I rent out and buying another one, in a place I want to live. Its an iffy situation, whether I could muster enough cash to do it. I'm not making any money on the rental, so there's no loss there. Will keep you posted.